Hyderabad: Ahead of Lok Sabha elections, the TRS was getting ready for conducting campaign by holding meetings in the all Lok Sabha constituencies in the State. The ruling party leadership has released the schedule of meetings to be taken up from March 1 to 11. The TRS working president KT Rama Rao, who was given the responsibility for LS polls campaigning, was busy to start the campaign in Karimnagar.
As per the schedule, the first meeting will be held in Karimnagar on March 1, second meeting at Warangal and Bhongir on March 2, Medak and Malkajgiri on March 3, Chevella and Nagarkurnool on March 6, Zaheerabad and Secunderabad on March 7, Nizamabad and Adilabad on March 8, Peddapally and Ramagundam on March 9, Mahabubabad and Khammam on March 10 and Mahbubnagar and Nalgonda on March 11.
Election preparatory meetings will be conducted with the party activists and the leaders at these segments by the party leadership. KCR and KTR are focusing on the LS polls and had already discussed preparatory programs with the district leadership in this regard. KCR was preferring to conduct the campaign from Karimnagar, which has been fetching point for him in all previously held polls in 2014 and 2014. This time for the LS polls, the TRS boss plans to conduct the poll campaign after the notification was released by the EC. KTR is to start the campaign at SRR College in Karimnagar on March 1.